Category : Portraits
Finding Forgiveness : Transforming Pain into Peace

Finding Forgiveness : Transforming Pain into Peace

By Jasmyn Mc Dermott The people who tend to hurt us are usually the ones whom we have deep care or love for. It took me quite a while to truly understand the meaning of forgiveness, how it affected me, and how the inability to do so affected my relationships. Over,...

Portrait – Le projet de Célia Lefèvre

Portrait – Le projet de Célia Lefèvre

Le pouvoir d'un système alternatif Souvent, les personnes à qui je parle de mon projet ne me comprennent pas. Elles me trouvent "utopique", "perchée", "bisounours". "A quoi ça sert d’être passionnée d’écologie", "à quoi bon s’engager", "pourquoi vouloir dépenser de...

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One goal : helping others succeed.
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