Positive Lee,
passionate people

This blog showcases real people, with real ideas and projects to inspire others on their journey to personal growth.

Lying seen from a French perspective

Lying seen from a French perspective

A week ago, I finished reading “Le Droit de Mentir”, or “The Right to Lie” written by Emmanuel Kant, a German philosopher who was part of the central Enlightenment thinkers. His book is a critique of the theories of one of his peers: Constant. According to E. Kant,...

Afrivisage:  My entrepreneurial journey

Afrivisage: My entrepreneurial journey

As a response to the global pandemic, in March 2020, my soul told me to search for a creative idea. Afrivisage is the story of two black female co-founders responding to a need in their community. Early in the pandemic, masks were difficult to find! Making masks from...

Portrait – Le projet de Célia Lefèvre

Portrait – Le projet de Célia Lefèvre

Le pouvoir d'un système alternatif Souvent, les personnes à qui je parle de mon projet ne me comprennent pas. Elles me trouvent "utopique", "perchée", "bisounours". "A quoi ça sert d’être passionnée d’écologie", "à quoi bon s’engager", "pourquoi vouloir dépenser de...

Pass it On with CWR Talent (podcast)

Pass it On with CWR Talent (podcast)

What is one of the most pertinent topics of the day? Resilience!  How do we build resilience?  Learning to love criticism!  Yes, it's true! Joining in on the podcast "Resilience in High Achievers and Learning to Love Criticism" with Nick O'Donnell of The Spinning...

Skill Data

Skill Data

An individual’s knowledge has therefore become one of the keys to the economic model of today and tomorrow. Yet in companies, this information about employees is very low: they do not know or very little about their Skill Data. Skill Data : What is it? Skill Data is...

Comment se présenter en entretien ?

Comment se présenter en entretien ?

Après avoir répondu à l’offre d’emploi ou au contrat d’apprentissage, vous avez passé avec succès la première étape de la sélection sur CV. ET certains doivent se préparer à l’entretien d’admission. Reste à vous préparer au fameux entretien. Si certains sont très à...

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